Konkursy architektoniczne

Luty 16, 2024

Rendering Spaces of Tomorrow - 2024 International Render Awards (IntRA): Architecture Edition

Data końca rejestracji: 31/05/2024
Termin składania prac: 31/05/2024
Miasto: konkurs międzynarodowy

The International Render Awards (IntRA): Architecture Edition is thrilled to announce its annual award for 2024, inviting talented architects, designers, artists, and visualization professionals from around the globe to showcase their exceptional rendering skills. This prestigious event aims to celebrate and recognize the artistry, innovation, and technical prowess involved in creating captivating visual representations of architecture, interior, and environment.

The theme for the 2024 International Render Awards (IntRA): Architecture Edition is "Rendering Spaces of Tomorrow". Participants are encouraged to envision and depict future-oriented spaces that embody innovation, sustainability, and human-centric design. The theme challenges contestants to push the boundaries of their creativity while addressing the evolving needs and technological advancements of our society.

There will be no limitations on the entries, as long as they were created within the last three years (since January 2021). Submitted works are allowed to be considered for multiple categories or groups, as they may contain diverse elements. Each submission/registration is allowed a maximum of two panels, and both vertical and horizontal orientations are accepted.

Detalis: Rendering Spaces of Tomorrow

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